2018 Cancer Challenge – General Information

Cancer Challenge with Sweet Potato 3
  • Post author:
  • Post published:September 17, 2018
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Mark Your Calendars! Grab You STASH! Because the Cancer Challenge is almost here….

October is Cancer Awareness Month, and the 2018 Cancer Challenge is gearing up for another amazing year all month long!
BusinessCard-005-Cancer18designer-300x200 2018 Cancer Challenge - General Information
This year will be slightly different than in the past, but the goal is the same:
We (calling all crocheters here) pledge to crochet as many hats as possible to donate to cancer patients around the world.
Yes, this may sound like a lofty goal, but you have all proven to me in the past 4 years that we can grow each year and make a huge different in our communities. Even though hats are donated around the world, we ask that your hats are to be donated to your local center to help those closest to you.

Sound Fun and Want More Details? 

Many / Most of us have been affected by cancer in some way. It is difficult to see someone go through cancer and/or chemotherapy. But with a community standing beside them it makes the battle slightly less daunting.
In honor of my Uncle Jeff, who lost his battle in September of 2014,
I am hosting the 5th annual Cancer Challenge.
UncleJeff-300x200 2018 Cancer Challenge - General Information

How does the challenge work?

It is pretty simple.
Basically, I am asking all of you to help make hats for cancer patients and cancer survivors.
The hats can be made for someone you know, someone your friends know,s
a co-worker, teacher, neighbor, or even a complete stranger.
You can make as many hats as you can and donate them to your local cancer center.
If a cancer center is not in your area you can contact me and ship them my way. I will include them with my donation to the Summit Cancer Center in Boise, Idaho.

How long does the challenge last?

12c4d7101cdd48ab9df038b475114ea4_cute-october-clipart-clipartxtras-cute-october-clipart_408-160-300x118 2018 Cancer Challenge - General Information

The challenge will begin October 1 and run through October 31. Each Monday through Friday a designer will offer a FREE hat pattern in exchange for your pledge to make a hat to donate. Saturdays the featured designer will offer a FREE cowl/prayer shawl/lap blanket or something like that for the same exchange. andSundays will be a week wrap up or last call. All pledges should be fulfilled by the end of 2018.

Stay tuned!

Sign up to follow by email (in the right column just under my name), this way you won’t miss any posts, updates, or patterns during the Challenge. More information will be posted over the next couple weeks. I will be highlighting the following topics and will add links as a reference once they have been posted:

  1. What type of hat should I make, what sizes and where should I get the patterns, click HERE (after 9/19/18)
  2. What type of yarn is recommended for the hats, click HERE (after 9/21/18)
  3. Where should I donate my hats, click HERE (after 9/24/18)
  4. A fun “start early” project you can add to your hats, click HERE (after 9/26/18)
  5. Challenge others to join and more fun information, click HERE (after 9/28/18)

This Post Has 55 Comments

  1. Betty Plemmons

    Count me in!! Thank you

  2. Jean

    Please count me in!

  3. Amy stevenson

    Count me in, I’m ready to join the fun!

  4. Cindy

    Yes, interested in Cancer Crochet Challenge for October

  5. Madelyn Mandina

    I am in on the challenge, have lost several family members due to this heartache disease and have a few friends fighting this. Please let me be a part. God bless you with many more hours of hooking for a cause.

  6. Tracey Sheppard

    I’m in. Great idea

  7. Connie

    Great challenge!!

  8. Jeanette Walker

    Count me in! I’m undergoing cancer treatment now! Will do what I can

  9. Patty Masias

    You can count me in!

  10. Letitia GreenVinson

    My has Glioblastoma tumors in her brain
    Her journey is coming to an end but remember the hats she got when she was losing her hair what a blessing
    So I would like to try to do this

  11. Eileen Fioto

    Love this idea!

  12. Vicki Blanchette

    Count me in. I am a breast cancer survivor and make hats for my local cancer center to say thank you for their great care. Would love to add new patterns to the ones I already have.

  13. Lois Pollio

    What a fantastic idea, can’t wait to start!

  14. Becky Pierce

    I would love to try. I’m relatively new to crochet but I wold like the challenge.

  15. Janet

    Count me in! I’m a 10yr BC Survivor & so appreciate what you are doing! Hope to make at least 10 hats- one for each yr being cancer – free! ??

  16. Lynette Magde

    <3 Thanks I am in again.

  17. Heather Ford

    I am so excited to continue making hats while I live in a semi over the road. My donations will go to Hershey Medical center. Thanks

  18. Alice Salveson

    My sister has had a mastestectomey. Just last month they operated on her again her duo-denim (upper intestine) was filled with cancer) also a small portion of her pancreas they removed a small portion of her pancreas and all of her upper intestine, some of her lower intestine and gall bladder now she is getting chemo for the next 6 months.
    My mother died from medistatic large cell lung cancer she was not a smoker.
    I would very much like to donate my time to making hats for this cause. I live in Sacramento and we have a children’s cancer center right here I can donate too, it is a Shriners Hospital.
    Thank you for such an important cause.

    1. SweetPotato3

      Alice, I am so sorry for the family battles you have been through. I hope you find healing in your time and donations. I love to hear that your donation will be going to the Shriners Hospital, my sister underwent a major operation at Shriners years ago and we are forever grateful for the work they do.

    2. Lisa

      That is quite a lot to go through! Prayers for you and your sister!! I have a Shriners a few miles from my house. I will contact them to see if they can use donations or send me in the right direction. We also have a cancer center in town. Maybe I can help here. If not, I’ll be passing them on to Sweetpotato3. Such a fantastic cause!!

  19. Patricia stutesman

    Count me in lost my mom in 2009

  20. Carla

    A wonderful plan. I’m in! Donating to our local cancer center.

  21. Bonnie Duffy

    Please add me to the challenge.
    Thank you

  22. Nikole Scheiter

    I have been doing this challenge since you started it, and am so excited to be a part of it again this year!

  23. Michelle Dancy

    I’m looking forward to this.

  24. Joleen

    Count me in, in memory of my Mama and my Grandma.

  25. Marykitty Johnson

    Put me in coach! In memory of my aunts and in honor of my mom and cousin

  26. Melissa Stockman

    My Mom and I do hats all the time to donate . My Mom is a colon cancer survivor , 9 years now . She lost her daughter , my sister to colon cancer . The local hospital that cared for my Mom has a Cancer/Chemo center . the first time we donated , a woman had just finished her treatment , and seen the hats , the nurse showed her and she grabbed one . I was standing at the elevator and seen her modeling it and saying it was her favorite color. To hear the appreciation , in her voice and to see the smile that lit up the room ! That smile makes it more than worth while !

    1. SweetPotato3

      Melissa, this is so wonderful to hear! I actually shared your comment on my facebook page to show that our efforts really do matter. Thank you so much for all your donations, I hope you enjoy the challenge this year!

  27. Marilyn

    Count me in!! I will rally up a few friends and try to make a big donation to the Cancer Center here in Arizona! My mom is currently battling 2 forms of cancer!

  28. Dorothy

    I’m in Australia so will be donating to a local cancer centre. I will be making my beanies in honour of my father, my husband and my son-in-law who all lost their battle with cancer.

  29. Beth Hagen

    Please count me in!

  30. Teri

    I’m excited to join in this challenge with you again this year. I think this is my fourth year. 2018 sounds extra special with the bonus crochet items you mentioned. You bless me by hosting this each October. ♥️

  31. Christina

    I want to help! Sign me up!

  32. Zelda

    Don’t want to miss out. Thank you.

  33. Tee Tee

    My husband has lung cancer and we attend Simon Cancer Center so count me in I would love to do this. what do i do to get sign up, Thanks

    1. SweetPotato3

      Just follow the blog or my facebook page through the month of October <3

  34. Denise Grutchfield

    Please count me in! I have been fighting nonhodgkins lymphoma for 17 years now. Not always a fun time – treatment can drain my energy and is devastating for my family to watch, however I am immensely grateful for my doctors care and the many prayers of friends, family, and even those prayer warriors I do not know. I currently have a pile of hats finished to donate to the cancer care center located within my oncologists office and I would be so grateful for some new and “oh so fun” patterns to crochet for the other patients who are in need of warm head coverings especially at this time of year. I have found that along with the need to keep warm, it just gives the person a little extra “oomph” in their step when they can feel cute or shall I say a bit more attractive wearing a hat that they have fallen in love with. If I can do that one thing for anyone going through the devastating rigors of cancer treatment then I feel honored to have the ability to provide as many hats as my hands can create.

  35. Peggy

    I am so excited to be a part of this group. My sister and I are bc survivors. And on with challenge!

  36. Mary-Ellen Holloman

    Wow! I just found this post and I will am more than happy to donate hats. I have been cancer free since 2013 and have donated many hats in the past years. God bless and good wishes to all. Thank you for your wonderful challenge and the designers that donated their hat patterns.

  37. Dans

    Just found this and I’m ready to make some hats. I’ve lost family members and friends to cancer over the years. My mother in law is currently battling cancer so I’ll be making a hat for her first <3

  38. Wendy Feldner

    Christine, thank you so much for hosting this challenge! I am a little slow at making the hats but they will all get done. My mother died of cancer and I have several relatives who have battled the disease. Such a worthy cause!

  39. Regina

    I received 5 patterns and have made 4 and am donating them tomorrow. Will make the last one and will take the next trip. My sister is fighting cancer and this is my way of giving back.

  40. Sylvia

    I’m sorry i miss crochet cancer challenge when you have other

    1. SweetPotato3

      I host this every year during the month of October <3

      1. Aneeta

        Will you be doing this again in 2019?

        1. SweetPotato3

          Yes, I will be doing this again this year during the month of October.

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