Cancer Awareness Ribbon Pattern

You are currently viewing Cancer Awareness Ribbon Pattern
  • Post author:
  • Post published:September 26, 2018
  • Reading time:6 mins read

I know from hosting the last 5 years of the Cancer Challenge that there are many of you that cannot wait for October 1st to begin. So, I have a little starter project just for you.

The Cancer Awareness Ribbon applique is a great add on to hats, scarves, blankets or whatever you are making. Especially if you are donating to a specific Cancer Center (breast cancer, children’s cancer, etc) because you can make it in the corresponding color.

Get Started Early with the Cancer Awareness Ribbon 

A couple years ago I had someone share a photo of a hat they had made for a donation. The hat featured a Cancer Awareness Ribbon. This was such a thoughtful touch to add to a donated hat so I wanted to share it with you. The best part was that the pattern by CrochetBug is free on their blog, you can find the link HERE.

Cancer Awareness Ribbon Pattern
Below is an image that shows the awareness color for some of the more common cancers.
Awareness Ribbon Colors

So, I encourage you to go grab some scrap yarn and your trusty crochet hook. Sit down in front of your favorite show or pod cast and whip us a handful of these awareness ribbons.

Stay tuned and Share your Work

I will be posting the daily hats on Instagram, Facebook and in my Facebook Group. Please follow each of these to stay up to date.

Crochet Cancer Challenge

AND I ask that you share your work by using the Hashtag #CrochetCancerChallenge in your posts! Call out your friends to join, it not only helps us pledge more hats, but makes it more fun and personal.

Information Links for the Cancer Challenge

If you are inspired and want to participate but may have missed some of the blog posts, below is a quick reference to the posts with more information:

  • Information explaining what the Crochet Cancer Challenge is, click HERE.
  • What type of hat should I make? What Sizes? Where do I get the patterns? Click HERE.
  • Yarn Recommendations to use for the hats, click HERE.
  • Where should I donate my hats, click HERE.
  • Challenge others to join and more fun information, click HERE.

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Sheri Lawrence

    Love this!!!! The patterns are beautiful.

  2. Samantha

    Cancer runs strong in my family nd my brother and SIL run an organization for kids with cancer and I know how much a handmade gift like this means to the parents and the patients. I think it is amazing that the designers and all the fellow crocheters are willing to give their time and talents to help others. It is amazing to see such selflessness still in the world. Thank you all!

  3. Regina Worrell

    I have completed 3 of the 5 hats I downloaded and will donate them to UVA Cancer center in December. Thank you.

  4. Sharon M Osenkowski

    Looking forward to this.

  5. Liza

    Thank you for the chance to do this

  6. Susan Johnson

    So glad I came across this post. I have a dear friend with stage 4 breast cancer. I have already made her a few hats but looking forward to helping with this project too. What a wonderful idea!

  7. Jo Sharrock

    This is amazing

  8. Momma Hav

    Wonder if you realize that the “female” cancer awareness actually starts September 1st
    September is National Uterine/Endomitrial Cancer Month. Orange/Peach are the respective colors.

    1. SweetPotato3

      Yes, many types of cancer have their own “awareness” day/week/month. I try to cover all types so do the month of October because it is for all types of cancer.

  9. Kathy

    I would love to see more hats for kids. Or fun hats for adults. I love all these hats. Maybe do a crochet challenge for kids hats

    1. SweetPotato3

      That is a fun idea! Maybe a New Years challenge for kids….

  10. Carla

    Would love to join, just to let you know not a fast crocheter but will try to get as many done as possible. Thank you!

  11. Peggy

    Is there a colour for Bone Cancer? I lost both my sister and my husband to this horrible disaese.

    1. SweetPotato3

      Copied this from a google search “A yellow ribbon represents sarcoma or bone cancer. There are several types of bone cancer.”

  12. Gramz

    Looking forward to this. I crochet many items for charity all year round. Made many hats, scarves lapghans, afghans, gloves, mittens and some toys for children in hospital. Even some baby clothes to take baby home in that have been in NICU. Gotta love crochet!!

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