Cancer Charity Challenge 2014 {Crochet}

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  • Post author:
  • Post published:August 21, 2014
  • Reading time:4 mins read
This past week I lost my Uncle Jeff to cancer. I had to do something, so I quickly threw together a Cancer Charity Event to honor him.
My uncle was one of the most lovable guys you could ever meet. He was always smiling, cracking a joke and had one of those laughs that was contagious to everyone that was around him.
Cancer is such a difficult journey that too many people have to face in their lives. In honor and memory of my Uncle Jeff I am starting a Cancer Charity Challenge.
This challenge is for everyone.

For Crocheters

For those that know how to crochet, I am offering a coupon code for a FREE HAT PATTERN from my Ravelry shop.
I just ask that you pledge to make a minimum of 1 hat (please make more if you can) for someone battling cancer or to donate to a hospital. The hat you make does not have to be made from my pattern, the challenge is just to help someone fighting for their life.
Pattern-005-ChallengeB Cancer Charity Challenge 2014 {Crochet}
The coupon for the FREE HAT PATTERN is “CHALLENGE”. This coupon will be good  for any single hat pattern through October 31, 2014.
October is Cancer Awareness month, so this is just a jump start for you. If you are unable to donate your hat(s), or if you simply prefer, you can send your hats directly to me and I will donate them on your behalf. Just send me a message on facebook for the shipping address.

For Non-Crocheters

Pattern-004-ChallengeA Cancer Charity Challenge 2014 {Crochet}
If you do not crochet, you can still help. I am committing to making 10 hats and donating them to cancer patients. If you would like to SPONSOR A HAT you can order one in my etsy shop and I will make one (in addition to my 10) and donate it on your behalf. You can sponsor a hat for charity through Cancer Awareness Month (October 2014).
Please help me spread the word and share this post, God Bless You All.

See Updates on the Challenge

I plan on continuing this challenge each year. You can check in and see how we have done by clicking this LINK HERE.

This Post Has 45 Comments

  1. Liz Hasler

    What an awesome idea! Thank you for doing this.

  2. Liz Hasler

    What an awesome idea! Thank you for doing this.

  3. Pamela Emerson

    This is a wonderful thing you are doing. I accept this challenge and will donate my hat or hats since I am not sure how many to a couple of people who are battling Cancer. My grandson who is only in the second grade said a classmates mom has cancer and is going to die. It sounds like she is in hospice. That is such a sad thing for someone soo young. My daughter also knows a young lady just getting ready to start treatment.

  4. Pamela Emerson

    This is a wonderful thing you are doing. I accept this challenge and will donate my hat or hats since I am not sure how many to a couple of people who are battling Cancer. My grandson who is only in the second grade said a classmates mom has cancer and is going to die. It sounds like she is in hospice. That is such a sad thing for someone soo young. My daughter also knows a young lady just getting ready to start treatment.

  5. Lexi S.

    I will make a few hats!! I go to the cancer center in my town frequently with my mom so i would love to do this challenge. Thank you for doing this.

  6. Lexi S.

    I will make a few hats!! I go to the cancer center in my town frequently with my mom so i would love to do this challenge. Thank you for doing this.

  7. Carrie Kostrubiec

    Im soooo sorry to hear the loss of your uncle…but no that he is now pain free and in gods hands enjoying heaven. Thanks so much for doing this charity it a great cause.

    Hugs and prayers to you and your family, Carrie

  8. Carrie Kostrubiec

    Im soooo sorry to hear the loss of your uncle…but no that he is now pain free and in gods hands enjoying heaven. Thanks so much for doing this charity it a great cause.

    Hugs and prayers to you and your family, Carrie

  9. Unique2wh0

    So amazing you are. <3

  10. Unique2wh0

    So amazing you are. <3

  11. Leah Feild

    Thank you for doing this. My mom is a breast cancer survivor, I have a friend that is fighting breast cancer right now, my cousin is in a battle against malignant melanoma, my great aunt had breast cancer, my aunt is fighting breast cancer now and I could go on but I won't. Thank you so much for challenging people to make hats. It makes such a big difference to those fighting just to know someone has thought of them.

  12. Leah Feild

    Thank you for doing this. My mom is a breast cancer survivor, I have a friend that is fighting breast cancer right now, my cousin is in a battle against malignant melanoma, my great aunt had breast cancer, my aunt is fighting breast cancer now and I could go on but I won't. Thank you so much for challenging people to make hats. It makes such a big difference to those fighting just to know someone has thought of them.

  13. Jano

    Count me in……I would LOVE to make a few hats and donate…Bless you for thinking of this <3

  14. Jano

    Count me in……I would LOVE to make a few hats and donate…Bless you for thinking of this <3

  15. Kristin Whitehead

    I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss. You will all be in my prayers. As a cancer survivor of 17 years, I think what you are doing is awesome! I am pledging to make AT LEAST 3 hats to donate to our local children's cancer charity!

  16. Kristin Whitehead

    I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss. You will all be in my prayers. As a cancer survivor of 17 years, I think what you are doing is awesome! I am pledging to make AT LEAST 3 hats to donate to our local children's cancer charity!

  17. LBK63

    Thanks so much! This is perfect because I am currently making hats for the Elk Studio September Event for MD Anderson cancer patients.

  18. LBK63

    Thanks so much! This is perfect because I am currently making hats for the Elk Studio September Event for MD Anderson cancer patients.

  19. Michelle Wulf

    SO sorry to hear of your loss. My great Aunty Betty who taught me to crochet was taken by cancer. Challenge accepted and praying for you and your family. <3

  20. Michelle Wulf

    SO sorry to hear of your loss. My great Aunty Betty who taught me to crochet was taken by cancer. Challenge accepted and praying for you and your family. <3

  21. Nondas Hensley

    So sorry for your loss! Thank you for the challenge! I will make and donate and let you know the total!

  22. Nondas Hensley

    So sorry for your loss! Thank you for the challenge! I will make and donate and let you know the total!

  23. Candice

    10 years ago today the doctors told my best friend she had AML. They said she had less than 6 months to live, but with God's mercy and grace she beat it, she beat the impossible. Today we celebrate her, she is healthy and still my best friend. I accept your challenge, in honor of your Uncle Jeff and my bestie Kim Hewett.

  24. Candice

    10 years ago today the doctors told my best friend she had AML. They said she had less than 6 months to live, but with God's mercy and grace she beat it, she beat the impossible. Today we celebrate her, she is healthy and still my best friend. I accept your challenge, in honor of your Uncle Jeff and my bestie Kim Hewett.

  25. Candice

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Candice

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Valerie

    The coupon code is not working for me.

  28. Valerie

    The coupon code is not working for me.

  29. Amy

    Awesome challenge! And thanks for the free pattern. Going to start working on my hats this afternoon!!

  30. Amy

    Awesome challenge! And thanks for the free pattern. Going to start working on my hats this afternoon!!

  31. Christine

    The coupon code is still working and will through the month of October. Make sure you are spelling it correct and that it is Capitalized. Thanks so much for taking on the challenge.

  32. Christine

    The coupon code is still working and will through the month of October. Make sure you are spelling it correct and that it is Capitalized. Thanks so much for taking on the challenge.

  33. Lori Gaston

    My mother is a Breast Cancer survivor, currently endergoing radiation. Chemo and mastectomy are behind her. I will be making a hat for her, possibly something similar to your "Wrap Me Tender" hooded scarf.
    My father was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and starts chemo next week. He will likely need a scarf at the very least to help keep him warm during treatment.
    Thank you so much for your generosity!

  34. Lori Gaston

    My mother is a Breast Cancer survivor, currently endergoing radiation. Chemo and mastectomy are behind her. I will be making a hat for her, possibly something similar to your "Wrap Me Tender" hooded scarf.
    My father was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and starts chemo next week. He will likely need a scarf at the very least to help keep him warm during treatment.
    Thank you so much for your generosity!

  35. Lori Gaston

    I was attempting to use the coupon code on the Herringbone Brimmed Beanie, and the code is not working. I tried on a different pattern (Cable Owl) and it works. Even had two patterns in my "cart", removed the other pattern so the Brimmed Beanie was left, and the code no longer subtracted the price of the beanie. The code may not be working for some of the patterns.

  36. Lori Gaston

    I was attempting to use the coupon code on the Herringbone Brimmed Beanie, and the code is not working. I tried on a different pattern (Cable Owl) and it works. Even had two patterns in my "cart", removed the other pattern so the Brimmed Beanie was left, and the code no longer subtracted the price of the beanie. The code may not be working for some of the patterns.

  37. Christine

    Sorry about that, I simply forgot to add the newly released patterns. I have updated it so it should work correctly now. thank you so much for your generosity to this cause and many prayers to your family.

  38. Christine

    Sorry about that, I simply forgot to add the newly released patterns. I have updated it so it should work correctly now. thank you so much for your generosity to this cause and many prayers to your family.

  39. kathy

    Thank you Lori. I just lost my Uncle to cancer. His was from agent orange. It was a very long battle for him. Thanks for the pattern.

  40. kathy

    Thank you Lori. I just lost my Uncle to cancer. His was from agent orange. It was a very long battle for him. Thanks for the pattern.

  41. Valerie Castro

    This is so awesome. i have been in the hospital with my son for the past days. I have made hat after hat for all the kiddos on the floor and the nicu thank you i will be making some more with your amazing pattern for the ones who are there during the holidays.

  42. Valerie Castro

    This is so awesome. i have been in the hospital with my son for the past days. I have made hat after hat for all the kiddos on the floor and the nicu thank you i will be making some more with your amazing pattern for the ones who are there during the holidays.

  43. Leslee Zook

    I lost my oldest daughter to cancer when she was 40. I am very happy to crochet some hats for others.

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