How to Crochet Foundation Stitches: Single, Half Double & Double

Foundation Crochet Stitches
  • Post author:
  • Post published:March 23, 2017
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Have you heard of Foundation Crochet Stitches? Wondering what all the hype is? Well, today I am going to show you why I love beginning crochet project with Foundation Stitches.

Benefits of Foundation Crochet Stitches

Avoid the Dreaded Beginning Chain: How often do you begin a project (say a blanket) and the first row begins with a crazy amount of chains, like 250? When I see this, my mind immediately goes to the thought of how much I dread working my row of single crochets (or hdc, dc, tc) into each and everyone of those chains.

Quick: Well, for me, working into all those beginning chains is the worst part of a crochet project. It simply takes too long and if not done perfect can effect the final crochet piece. I want a quick solution! When crocheting a project with a Foundation row that beginning row will work up much quicker. It may take some practice, but trust me, it is so much quicker!

Stretch & Flexibility: Back to that beginning chain again (LOL-can you tell I am not a fan), not only does it take forever, but you have to have every chain the exact tension or a loop will stand out like a wine stain on your white rug. You also have to make sure you chain loose enough to avoid the inevitable tight bottom that causes your beautiful blanket to veer or fan out (caused from the beginning chain being too tight).

I need a solution to that beginning chain and the Foundation Crochet Stitches are the answer!

If you found this tutorial useful please share it with others, pin it for quick reference and follow along on my blog (subscribe by email in the right column) so you don’t miss any other quick tips, tutorials and pattern releases! Also, join me on Facebook for lot’s of crochet fun!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sarah Tompkins

    I love it. and you blog offers so many wonderful bits of information.

  2. Susan Baker

    I just finished the foundation SC row for my Teddy Bear Blanket. Now I am up to Row 5 so I will look for that tutorial. I know I saw it a couple of days ago. I find watching these tutorials makes it much easier to understand the directions. I am thinking this is going to be the cutest baby blanket I have ever made and I have made many! Thank you Christine for sending me thee patterns. Sue Baker

  3. Robyn Doucet

    I’m working on the Music blankets for my girls and started with the piano one for my youngest. I read the section on burying the other color during the blanket but I’m not sure how to do this on the foundation chain. Is there a way to do this or will I just have those stringers on the back for that bottom row? Or should I make my life easier and start with the solid and work the blanket from the solid edge down (is that even possible – I’m a intermediate crocheter…). Thank you!

    1. SweetPotato3

      Robyn, for the music to my souls blanket I recommend using bobbins. For the piano blanket this is a little crazy to do because of so many color changes but hang in there, it is only for 30 rows then it is easy peasy! Enjoy making the blanket.

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