Crochet Tools – Worshiping My Mimmo Caddy

You are currently viewing Crochet Tools – Worshiping My Mimmo Caddy
  • Post author:
  • Post published:March 9, 2021
  • Reading time:6 mins read

March is National Craft Month and the 2nd week of March is National Crochet Week. How do I celebrate such a fun event as a crochet designer? Well, I look into my crochet toolbox and find my favorite tools to share with all of you. This year, I have to admit that the tool I worship the most right now is my Mimmo Caddy by Mollie Ollie.

Mimmo Caddy in use

But, before I express why my Mimmo Caddy is my current prized crochet tool let’s share a little about March 11th and what all Worship Tools Day is really all about.

“Worship of Tools Day: This holiday is always held on March 11

There are few things that the male (female) population worships more than his or her tools. To some, a tool is a natural extension of their arm. So, Worship of Tools Day is a logical day of celebration…

Please note however, there are more than a few ladies who love to work with their hands, and find today to be an important holiday.

Celebrate today by working with tools, and buying a tool or two. Receiving a tool as a gift today, makes this truly a special day.

— Above Info pulled from

My Mimmo Caddy from Mollie Ollie

Back in September when my family was in the middle of moving {and bouncing from house to house each weekend} I needed something small to tote my projects around. It was important to me to have something that I could work from while sitting in the car. It needed to be organized and study. So, I was thrilled when I received my Mimmo Caddy.

Check out all those compartments! They are perfect for stacking skeins of yarn in and stashing your other tools. The side zipper pocket has elastic that holds your scissors, hooks pens in. The smaller pockets along both edges are also perfect for reading glasses, notebooks and random goods.

Mimmo Caddy

This was the perfect tote to use during those long car rides. But, as I am now settled (kind of) into a new home with a regular time to crochet I find myself using the caddy even more. I am currently working on some multi-colored crochet patterns and have multiple skeins of yarn on a project. The Mimmo is ideal and keeps them all organized and it is so easy to grab and work on and then nestle away quickly when needed.

So, although the Mimmo Caddy is not a “traditional” crochet tool like a crochet hook, scissors, needle, gauge guide or stitch marker that you would think of, it is most definitely my favorite tool that I use while crocheting!

You can get your own Mimmo Caddy by Mollie Ollie today. It is available on Amazon and ships through Prime. If you use my link below I even get a slight kick back.

What is Your Favorite Crochet Tool?

I would love to hear from you about what your favorite crochet tool is? Come and share your favorites in the comments on this blog post. Join my interactive Facebook group, SP3 Crochet & Conversations, and post your links or share a picture for us to enjoy.

pattern group

Beautiful Wooden Crochet Tools

Although my favorite tool is a felt tote I am such a sucker for anything made of wood! The natural element is soft and brings warmth so is an ideal fit for many of my designs. If you love wood, check out this round up of beautiful wooden tools by clicking HERE.

Wooden Crochet Tools

Favorite Tools from some Crochet Besties

The sharing continues. Check out these favorite tools that some of my crochet design besties have. I love hearing from them and seeing things from their perspective.