Herringbone Brimmed Beanie Pattern Release

You are currently viewing Herringbone Brimmed Beanie Pattern Release
  • Post author:
  • Post published:September 29, 2014
  • Reading time:3 mins read
Boys can be so hard to find a good hat pattern for. So I was on the hunt to design something perfect for those boys in our lives. The request I kept hearing from my kids and many of their friends was that they wanted it to cover more of their neck and shade their eyes. I also kept seeing visor beanies at the stores and so I grabbed my hook and yarn and went to work.
It didn’t take long before the Herringbone Brimmed Beanie came to life.
My boys are thrilled with it and I hope you like it too. The herringbone stitch is a turn change of pace to work (the pattern does include a photo tutorial on how to work it).
The Herringbone Brimmed Beanie can be found on:
Here are some more views of the beanie. Thanks for looking and join my on facebook to see all new releases, sales and giveaways.
Pattern-004-HerringboneC Herringbone Brimmed Beanie Pattern Release
Pattern-003-HerringboneA Herringbone Brimmed Beanie Pattern Release