Scallop & Cables Bonnet & Wrap Set – Crochet Pattern

You are currently viewing Scallop & Cables Bonnet & Wrap Set – Crochet Pattern
  • Post author:
  • Post published:October 6, 2014
  • Reading time:4 mins read
 I am so in love with this beautiful Scallop and Cables Bonnet and Wrap Set.
The delicate mohair makes it so soft, delicate and lacy. It is simply perfect for a sweet little girl.
Pattern-003-ScallopCables Scallop & Cables Bonnet & Wrap Set - Crochet Pattern

Where to get your Copy of the Scallop & Cables Set

Grab your copy in any of my pattern shops:

More Beautiful Images of the Scallop & Cables Set

It is so rewarding to work with a newborn photographer. I have been so lucky to work with Christy Mitchell, she does outstanding work and is always willing to share her images. Check out more stunning pictures by Christy Mitchell Photography.
ChristyMitchellMohairScallopBonnetA Scallop & Cables Bonnet & Wrap Set - Crochet Pattern


ChristyMitchellMohairScallopSetB Scallop & Cables Bonnet & Wrap Set - Crochet Pattern

More Mohair Baby Patterns you will LOVE

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BusinessCard-004-CCGroup-2-300x116 Scallop & Cables Bonnet & Wrap Set - Crochet Pattern