Teddy Bear Bonnet & Stuffy Pattern Release

You are currently viewing Teddy Bear Bonnet & Stuffy Pattern Release
  • Post author:
  • Post published:December 12, 2014
  • Reading time:4 mins read
Does it get any cuter than this?
I don’t think so. And now, you can make your own!
This crochet pattern comes with complete instructions for this adorable Teddy Bear Stuffy and matching Bonnet. The completed teddy bear is about 7″ tall. 
The Bonnet has ridged cables for added character (not just a plain hat) 
and it comes in sizes from newborn up to child. 
This is a lovely set for any Mom to be, 
any child for Christmas, 
a first Birthday (or any birthday for that matter),
or other special occasion. 

Grab your copy for the Teddy Bear Set on:
You can also get the pattern for just the Teddy Bear Stuffy on:

The all too precious Professional Images are courtesy of Christy Mitchell photography