Where to Donate Hats for the Cancer Challenge

Call for Donation Location
  • Post author:
  • Post published:September 24, 2018
  • Reading time:6 mins read

You have decided to follow the Crochet Cancer Challenge and donate some hats, yay! I am so excited to have you join us. The next question you may have is… where can I donate the hats?

Where to donate my crochet hats?

I recommend checking your local Cancer Centers. This can be as simple as doing a google search. Once you find a center make sure to call them and ask if they accept donations and if they have specific guidelines you need to follow.

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When you make that call, it may be a good idea to ask if they have a shortage of anything specific. Some examples may be X-large hats, small hats for teens, or hats for men, you just never know what their current needs might be.

I cannot find anywhere local, now what?

There may be some of you who live in a small community or who are unable to get out and deliver your donations. There are still some options for you. If you know someone else doing the challenge, they may be willing to take your donation in with theirs. You can also ship your donation to a cancer center. I would start local, then maybe go to your state, then region.

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There are also numerous organizations who are always looking for donations and have lots of other information on their sites. A few of them are (click image for site link):

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I have also found a couple amazing facebook groups that are a great resource, please check them out (click on the images for direct links):

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Stay tuned and Share your Work

I will be posting the daily hats on Instagram, Facebook and in my Facebook Group. Please follow each of these to stay up to date.

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AND I ask that you share your work by using the Hashtag #CrochetCancerChallenge in your posts! Call out your friends to join, it not only helps us pledge more hats, but makes it more fun and personal.

Information Links for the Cancer Challenge

  • Information explaining what the Crochet Cancer Challenge is, clickย HERE.
  • What type of hat should I make? What Sizes? Where do I get the patterns? Clickย HERE.
  • Yarn Recommendations to use for the hats, clickย HERE.
  • A fun start early project you can add to your hats, clickย HERE.
  • Challenge others to join and more fun information, clickย HERE.

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Kelle J.

    Thank you. Both photos link to We Crochet for Charity.

    1. SweetPotato3

      Thanks for letting me know. I’ll get that fixed ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Cathy Swetz

    This is a great idea!

  3. Eileen Kavanagh

    My sister’s oncologist has a basket in her office for people to donate hats. Any patient is free to take whatever hats they want. I made a few for my sister to drop off when she went in for visits, and after she died, we washed her hats that were still in good shape and took them to that office to add to the basket.

  4. Shirley Cannon

    I make and donate hats at the cancer center in Gainesville, Fla.I have about 25 to 30 to donate when my husband goes in for his scan.

  5. Sherry

    As I am havi g cataract surgery in October, I cannot commit to 31 hats. Can I still join and do what I can after the 2pth of October? Thanks

    1. SweetPotato3

      Of course you can. You do not have to commit to 31 hats. If you can do just 1 that is still making a difference. Thanks for joining and prayers for a good recovery.

  6. Kathy Hardy Jones

    Can I donate to a family member thatโ€™s being treated for BC now or does it have to be a outside entity?

    1. SweetPotato3

      Donating to a family member is an amazing idea, it makes it that much more personal <3

  7. Joyce

    This is a wonderful idea. I enjoy crocheting and this is such a worthwhile project. Thank you.

  8. Linda Roberts

    I heard of a little girl with cancer is that okay as well as reaching out to organizations?

  9. Krisztina

    I live in England. How can I participate. please?

    1. SweetPotato3

      Just find a local Cancer Center and ask them if you can donate there ๐Ÿ™‚ So happy to hear you want to participate.

  10. Sherry

    You can also check with your hair stylist. They get so many clients who make an appointment to have their head shaved because of hair loss from cancer. I have 8 that I will be taking this week.

    1. SweetPotato3

      I absoluletly love this idea! Just shared it on IG & FB stories with everyone. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Maggie

    I’m making one for my sister. She just got diagnosed with cervical cancer. Her surgery is in December. She’s in a lot of pain. They’re worried that it might have spread. I’m making some to donate as well.

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