A Collection of Quick Market Makes

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Crochet enthusiasts all around the country enjoy the process of making items to sell. They sell at Farmers Markets, Seasonal Craft Fairs and Local Gift Markets. Making and selling items is a true operation of love for crafters. Many thrive on the social aspect of meeting shoppers who envy their skills, want to purchase their craft and gift to their loved ones.

Quick Market Makes

Over the years, there are always trends that sell well at markets, as well as tried and true best sellers. It is great to have a good combination of these items to try potential buyers to your booth. What you sell is important as well as how you display it to catch the eye of buyers is important. But, I personally think that making items that you can sell for “profit” is essential.

Selling at Markets for Profit

I have talked with many market sellers who say if they break even they are happy. Breaking even means that they are able to feed their hobby without it costing them money. I admit, part of me understands this logic. But the business side of me is in awe that anyone would put so much work and effort into something to just “break even”.

crocheting for profit

Most handmade items are gifts of time. They take so much time to make that it is hard to put a price tag on it after considering how much you want to make per hour. Remember, you wouldn’t want your child to work for a measly $3.00 an hour, so why would you?

A key it is find fun items that you can make “fast” and/or in “bulk”. Often these items can be extremely rewarding to make because after working for a day you can see a large “lot” or “stack” of inventory ready for the market!


Here is a list of Quick Market Makes

To help you get ideas on items to make and sell at a market with a great mark up, I have collected 10 categories of Top Selling Items at Markets. But not only that, I them looked for what I thought would be ideal crochet patterns (or fiber related items) to consider making.

Remember, what you make should be items that fit your “table”. This is not a “I need to make everything on this list” type of blog post. It is just a starting point for inspiration and ideas at what could help lead to a successful and “profitable” Market this year.

market booths at craft fairs

Quick Market Makes Categories

During the first couple weeks of July, I will feature a “category” each day (Monday – Friday), and in each of those categories I will feature a handful of designs that should be quick to make which will result in a higher profit.

Hairbands and Hair Accessories

Handmade markets are usually flooded with people who love to show off items they have purchased. An easy way for them to do this is to wear them. Crocheting large items can sometimes reduce the profit (because the time to make them is hard to recoup a good hourly wage). So, think of small items, such as quick hairbands and accessories for the hair.

Spring Flower Clip Quick Market Makes
Spring Flower Headband - Quick Market Makes
Velvet Scrunchie - Quick Market Makes
Hair Scarf - Quick Market Makes
Barley Bandana - Quick Market Makes
Crochet Bows - Quick Market Makes

Plant Covers & Hanging Baskets

If you sell at Farmers Markets you are engaging with customers who love fresh produce and are typically plant lovers. Target that love of nature and display some easy to care for plant in hanging baskets or small pots with crocheted covers. Crochet patterns like these feed to those who love to take care of greenery in their homes.

Hanging Basket - Quick Market Make
Plant Hanger - Quick Market Makes
Pineapple Planter - Quick Market Makes
Woven Basket - Quick Market Makes
Double Hanging Basket - Market Makes
Hanging Basket - Market Makes

More market makes and categories will be posted tomorrow!

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