Week 2: Crochet Cancer Challenge 2019

Crochet Cancer Challenge
  • Post author:
  • Post published:October 7, 2019
  • Reading time:18 mins read

We are embarking on our 2nd week of the Crochet Cancer Challenge and I am in awe of all of you. The energy you have brought, the stories you have shared, the hats you are all making is so inspiring. Thank you to each and everyone of you for taking on the Challenge.

Just a friendly little reminder that when you download a pattern for FREE you are pledging to make a minimum of one hat from that pattern to donate to a local Cancer Center or patient.

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Challenge Day 7: Snappy Tots

Introducing the Alex Beanie by Snappy Tots. Find Snappy Tots online at:

Website / Instagram / Facebook Page / Facebook Group

And find her featured design, the Alex Beanie, on her website by clicking HERE (good through Sunday Oct 20, 2019). The Alex Beanie was designed in white to help bring awareness to Lung Cancer. Here is a short word about the design:

I chose to design this beanie for a young lady, Alex, who recently lost her grandmother to cancer.

Day7SnappyTots Week 2: Crochet Cancer Challenge 2019

Day 8: Endless Crochet Creations

Check out the Tracy Textured hat crochet pattern by Endless Crochet Creations. If you want to check out Endless Crochet Creations check out her social media links:

Website / Instagram / Facebook Page

Then follow this link to get the Tracy Textured hat pattern for FREE (only through Sunday October 13, 2019) in exchange for your pledge. Take a minute to ready why Tammy made her hat in grey and why the challenge is so personal to her.

The Tracy Textured Hats are full of texture, just what my sister likes. I am sure the hats would look fabulous in a wide range of colours, however I used Gray as this is the colour that represents Brain Cancers.

Day8ECC Week 2: Crochet Cancer Challenge 2019

Challenge Day 9: Darcy’s Crochet Creations

Darcy’s Crochet Creations designed the Calilosh Crochet Hat for the Challenge. Check out the following links to follow the designer.

Website / Instagram / Facebook Page

To grab your copy of the Calilosh Crochet Hat pattern for FREE (good through Sunday Oct 13, 2019), just PLEDGE to make one to donate to a cancer center or patient- click this link. Like all the designs, use code “CC2019”. Darcy designed this hat and made it in pink for personal reasons:

I chose to write a pattern to honor all of the people who have fought or are currently fighting breast cancer. This is a subject very near and dear to me. You see, I have 5 women in my life who are very important to me that either have or are fighting breast cancer. 

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Day 10 of the Crochet Cancer Challenge : L’amas De Laine

The Invincible Beanie is a beautiful design by L’amas de Laine, she has some amazing designs, check them out at the links below:

Website / Instagram / Facebook Page

The invincible hat is a participating pattern (free) through Sunday October 13, 2019 and can be found by clicking this link. It was made in this lovely light blue color because it is the color of the Prostate cancer awareness ribbon. This hits very close to home for Sandra:

You see, my dad, on the picture, is a prostate cancer survivor. It was several years ago but I can still remember the shock I had when I received the news. The big and scary C…. Cancer. I thought: How could this happen? 

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Crochet Cancer Challenge Day 11: Two Brother’s Blanket

Michelle from Two Brothers Blankets has been a featured designer of the Crochet Cancer Challenge since it began. She is amazing to work with, follow her at the following link:

Website / Instagram / Facebook Page / Facebook Group

The Joey Hat is made in teal to promote awareness to Cervical Cancer. It is available for as a Challenge hat (for free) through Sunday October 13, 2019. You can read more about the design and the challenge by clicking HERE:

I named this hat the Joey Hat in memory of  Joey Feek, a country singer who passed away after a hard battle with cervical cancer. Her story and strength inspired me so much. 

Day10TwoBrothers Week 2: Crochet Cancer Challenge 2019

Crochet Cancer Challenge Day 12: Ned & Mimi

I am so excited to have Ned & Mimi join the Crochet Cancer Challenge this year, they have been so wonderful to work with. Please check out their designs and follow them on:

Website / Instagram / Facebook Page

Ned & Mimi designed the Pinky Promise Hat crochet pattern that you can find by clicking HERE. This design is available for Free with your Pledge through Sunday October 13, 2019 with code “CC2019”. Sarah then has offered the pattern for the rest of October for only $1 with the same code. You can probably guess that the Pinky Promise Hat was designed for Breast Cancer, read why this hit so close to home for Sarah:

My Pinky Promise hat is dedicated to my good friend Alice who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the unbelievably young age of 35. 

Day12 Week 2: Crochet Cancer Challenge 2019

Day 13 of the Crochet Cancer Challenge: The Yarn that Binds Us

I was so excited to have The Yarn That Binds Us join the Challenge this year. Her hat design is so amazing, make sure you follow Jenna, the designer, at the following links:

Website / Instagram / Facebook Page

You know the drill by now 🙂 Get the Vera Hat (which can be found by clicking HERE) for Free in exchange for your Pledge. This design is good for Free for today only, Sunday October 13, 2019. Use code “CC2019”. Jenna designed the Vera Beanie in this beautiful gold color to bring awareness to childhood cancers.

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Still Available, the following designs are still accepting pledges.

Emerald Stone Hat by Sweet Potato 3

The Emerald Stone Hat by Sweet Potato 3 will be available through October 31, 2019 for Free with code “CC2019”. Find Sweet Potato 3 by clicking on the following links:

Website / Instagram / Facebook Page / Facebook Group

Find Emerald Stone Hat post and link to pattern by clicking HERE. The Emerald Stone hat is featuring the color for Liver Cancer. Christine’s Uncle passed away 6 years ago from Liver Cancer and this hat is designed in honor of him.

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War of Roses Hat by Leesa’s Knotty Corner

The War of the Roses Hat by Leesa’s Knotty Corner will be available through October 20, 2019 with code “CC2019”. You can find Leesa’s Knotty Corner below:

Facebook Page / Instagram

Find the War of Roses Hat HERE. Leesa is a new designer to the Crochet Cancer Challenge and here is a note from her:

I chose testicular cancer because my son has it.  He has been fighting it since January 2010.  He is back to receiving treatment after being in remission for a couple of years.  So, for me this hits very close to home.  
I also lost a grandpa to lung cancer, a grandpa to brain cancer, a grandma to breast cancer, and an Uncle to bone cancer.  Cancer is all around us, not one of us has not had it personally touch our lives.  Even I have had my own battle with cervical cancer, and later pre-cancerous cells in my uterus, ovaries, and cervix that resulted in a radical hysterectomy…but no other treatment, thankfully.

Leesa Nixon, Leesa’s Knotty Corner
Day-5 Week 2: Crochet Cancer Challenge 2019

The Whirlwind Hat by Creations by Courtney

The Whirlwind Hat by Creations by Courtney is available through October 14, 2019. Use code “CC2019” at checkout to get it free in exchange for your pledge. You can find Creations by Courtney below:

Website / Instagram / Faceboook Page

Find the Whirlwind Hat by clicking HERE

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Check Back Each Day for Updates

We have all of October left for the Crochet Cancer Challenge, check back each day for updates on the hats that are released and designers participating. We would love to see what you make, so please post away on all your social media outlets. Use #CrochetCancerChallenge to help us see how far our challenge is reaching.

Stay up to date on the rest of the month by following the Challenge on Sweet Potato 3’s social media outlets {linked above/at top of post} or by signing up with the newsletter that will be sent out every few days.

More details about the Crochet Cancer Challenge

  • Information explaining what the Crochet Cancer Challenge is, click HERE.
  • What type of hat should I make? What Sizes? Where do I get the patterns? Click HERE.
  • Yarn Recommendations to use for the hats, click HERE.
  • Where should I donate my hats, click HERE.
  • A fun start early project you can add to your hats, click HERE.
  • Challenge others to join and get tags you can print for your hats, click HERE.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Melissa Crochet

    I’m going to make some of these hats for the cancer patients. I had a double mastectomy in September and I had to have another surgery to address infection. I am BRCA 2 positive (not cancer). I am running behind on everything! I love these patterns and hope my crochet skills are up to the task! And yes, my last name really is Crochet! Lol

  2. Lisette van Maurik

    Link, link. Link through Instagram to get here. Thank you for this project!! If I could I would enter.. But at this moment I’m to nervous to commit myself. We’re waiting for the results of my dad’s cancer…
    Thank you. From me, from him. From all the people battling this disease. Thank you!! ❤️❤️

  3. ruby stones

    Thank you for this project!! If I could I would enter.. But at this moment I’m to nervous to commit myself. We’re waiting for the results of my dad’s cancer…
    Thank you. From me, from him. From all the people battling this disease. Thank you!! ❤️❤️

  4. Linda Roberts

    I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity to make hats to donate to a specific place. I have made three already and hope to make at least two of each one that I downloaded maybe more.
    Thanks again for this wonderful project

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