Week 1: Crochet Cancer Challenge

  • Post author:
  • Post published:October 2, 2019
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Thank you so much for checking back in to see the designs that have been part of the Crochet Cancer Challenge Week 1. We are off to an amazing start but it is no surprise when you see how great the designs have been.

For the challenge week 1 hat designs, you have through Sunday October 6, 2019 to PLEDGE to get your patterns for FREE. To pledge just download the pattern, make a hat and donate that hat to a cancer patient or cancer center nearby.

BusinessCard-008-pledge-1024x512 Week 1: Crochet Cancer Challenge

Everyone, of the designers below, have taken the time to design, photograph, test and publish their designs. This is a big commitment and is extremely generous of them. I ask that you take a few minutes of your day and send them a quick “thank you” note. Trust me, it will make their day!

Day 1 of the Challenge: Sweet Potato 3

The Emerald Stone Hat by Sweet Potato 3. Find Sweet Potato 3 by clicking on the following links:

Website / Instagram / Facebook Page / Facebook Group

Find Emerald Stone Hat post and link to pattern by clicking HERE (code “cc2019” good through 10/31/19). The Emerald Stone hat is featuring the color for Liver Cancer. Christine’s Uncle passed away 6 years ago from Liver Cancer and this hat is designed in honor of him.

Pattern-003-Emerald1-1024x1024 Week 1: Crochet Cancer Challenge

Sincerely Pam is sponsoring Day 2:

The Fighter/Survivor Graph Beanie by Sincerely Pam. Find Sincerely Pam by clicking on the following links:

Website / Instagram / Facebook page

Find the Fighter/Survivor Graph Beanie post and link to pattern by clicking HERE (code “cc2019” good through 10/6/19). A short note about the design:

In honor of my Dad’s diagnosis, battle, and recovery, I have designed these hats for him. The awareness ribbon color for stomach and esophageal cancer is periwinkle. 

Day2SincerlyPam-1024x768 Week 1: Crochet Cancer Challenge

Day 3 is featuring a hat by Muki Crafts:

The Frisky Hat by Muki Crafts. Find Muki Crafts by clicking on the following links:

Website / Instagram / Facebook page

Find the Frisky Hat pattern by clicking HERE (code “cc2019” only good through 10/6/2019). Maarja wanted to focus on Leukemia because most of her crochet designs are centered around children. The awareness color for Leukemia is orange.

Day3MukiCrafts Week 1: Crochet Cancer Challenge

Challenge Day 4 is Crystalized Designs

The Nancy Beanie by Crystalized Designs. You can find Crystalized Designs by clicking on the following links:

Website / Instagram / Facebook Page

Find the Nancy Beanie pattern by clicking HERE (code “cc2019” good through 10/6/2019). The Nancy Beanie was designed in honor of Crystal’s Mom who fought Stomach Cancer, so her design features the color peach. Reach more about her story and inspiration on her blog HERE.

Day4CrystalizedDesigns-1024x724 Week 1: Crochet Cancer Challenge

Day 5 of the Challenge: Leesa’s Knotty Corner

The War of the Roses Hat by Leesa’s Knotty Corner. You can find Leesa’s Knotty Corner below:

Facebook Page / Instagram

Find the War of Roses Hat HERE. Leesa has graciously offered her design for FREE during the entire month of October (use same code of “CC2019”-good through 10/20/2019). Leesa is a new designer to the Crochet Cancer Challenge and here is a note from her:

I chose testicular cancer because my son has it.  He has been fighting it since January 2010.  He is back to receiving treatment after being in remission for a couple of years.  So, for me this hits very close to home.  
I also lost a grandpa to lung cancer, a grandpa to brain cancer, a grandma to breast cancer, and an Uncle to bone cancer.  Cancer is all around us, not one of us has not had it personally touch our lives.  Even I have had my own battle with cervical cancer, and later pre-cancerous cells in my uterus, ovaries, and cervix that resulted in a radical hysterectomy…but no other treatment, thankfully.

Leesa Nixon, Leesa’s Knotty Corner
Day-5 Week 1: Crochet Cancer Challenge

And the Grand Finale this week at day 6 is, Creations by Courtney

The Whirlwind Hat by Creations by Courtney. You can find Creations by Courtney below:

Website / Instagram / Faceboook Page

Find the Whirlwind Hat HERE (code “cc2019” is good through 10/12/2019): Courtney says

Lavender was chosen for this hat to represent all forms of cancer as it has or will impact every person. 

Day6CreationsbyCourtney-1024x768 Week 1: Crochet Cancer Challenge

Keep Checking Back

All these beautiful designs are in the challenge week 1. But wait, we have all of October left for the Crochet Cancer Challenge, check back each day for updates on the hats that are released and designers participating.

We would love to see the hats you make from the first weeks challenge. Please post away on all your social media outlets. Use #CrochetCancerChallenge to help us see how far our challenge is reaching.

Stay up to date on the rest of the month by following the Challenge on Sweet Potato 3’s social media outlets {linked above/at top of post} or by signing up with the newsletter that will be sent out every few days.

Find more information about the Crochet Cancer Challenge Below:

  • Information explaining what the Crochet Cancer Challenge is, click HERE.
  • What type of hat should I make? What Sizes? Where do I get the patterns? Click HERE.
  • Yarn Recommendations to use for the hats, click HERE.
  • Where should I donate my hats, click HERE.
  • A fun start early project you can add to your hats, click HERE.
  • Challenge others to join and get tags you can print for your hats, click HERE.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Linda Roberts

    I have a question that I had not thought of when I said yes to the challenge. I live in sunny hot Florida are all the hats for winter territory? I don’t see people wearing hats like these in my state. Please reply. Thank you in advance.

    1. SweetPotato3

      Hi Linda, you may want to call a center down there and talk to them about it. Sometimes it is chilly in the centers, I’ve seen patients wrapped in multiple blankets and hats while receiving treatments.

    2. Teresa Valadez

      You can make your Chemo Caps in Cotton and Cotton blends like other states do when it is warm. When you change the yarn to a cotton or cotton blend, you get wonderful hats that are perfect. THe point is that even in your state, people battle cancer and still can wear chemo caps as coverage on their heads and in places with air conditioners too. And if you still do not want to make for your state, I am quite certain the Delaware Head Huggers would be most appreciative of any chemo caps you made to send to Robin Celli who sends chemo caps all over the country and has been doing so for years. There are plenty of places and plenty of people, including Florida too, that would be most appreciative of any chemo caps that you do choose to make for them. PLenty of nice patterns around that are especially nice for warmer temperatures.

  2. Adriene Sanderson

    Thank you for all the designs, time, and patience you guys put into these instructions and patterns. You all are doing this for a great cause and I promise to do my best.

  3. Gloria Clayton

    I have a pile of hats already going. Maybe 12 … nope make that 15.

    1. Tami

      Wow Gloria! You Go Girl. That is absolutely awesome. My pile is very small at the moment. I haven’t had much free time. YET. But I will get going as the weather cools down. Living in NE Ohio I’m sure those fighting this horrible disease will be in need. We have a cancer treatment center very close to my community and that is where my hats will be donated.

      Bless all of you who are participating. As the designer from Leesa’s Knotty Corner said… There is not one of us who hasn’t had cancer affect our lives in one manner or another.

      Keep up the wonderful work Crocheters! I am proud to be a part of this.

  4. Erin Wentz

    Help, I’ve been trying for 2 days to assure I am signed up for the cancerchallenge, and i cannot confirm it.
    I also cannot find any reliable contact information to ask for help!

    1. SweetPotato3

      Hi Erin, there is not an official sign up form for the challenge. To participate, you simply download the patterns and then make/donate the hats. You can contact me through email {mysweetpotato3 @ gmail} or on my facebook page {www.facebook.com/SweetPotato3Patterns}.

  5. kathleen verrier

    I have lost my Mum and two sisters to cancer , I will make as many as I am able to donate to our local Cancer center.. Thank you for allowing us to use your pattern. I have chosen one other Tracy Textured Hats to make also.

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