Arabesque Geometric Crochet Blanket Patterns

With so many crochet blanket patterns out there it is sometimes hard to decide what to make. I tend to lean towards designs that have something that "pops" out and grabs my attention. This could be in the colors or in the design texture or simply the way it looks…

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Diamond Drop Filet Crochet Blanket Pattern

A classic looking blanket made using a traditional filet crochet technique. The Diamond Drop Blanket is one you will enjoy crocheting and will fall in love with the simplicity of the pattern. Make this lovely design in about any size to fit your need. The crochet blanket is made in…

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Faith Can Move Mountains Crochet Baby Blanket

A few months ago, my daughter came home from her youth group and was beyond excited because their leader and his wife announced they were expecting. She quickly asked if I would make them a baby blanket, but she wanted it to be personal to them. We live in a…

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Mountain Lodge Crochet Blanket Pattern

Someone asked me what inspires your designs. The answer is simple: textures, colors and eye appeal. When I design crochet blankets many things can spark an idea, but I will admit that quilting has always amazed me. I love all the small pieces, straight seams, and the eye for perfection.…

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Music To My Soul Expansion Pack – 10 Crochet Blanket Patterns

Last year I designed some music blankets for each of my children. I did this to show them how important music is and that whole heartedly encouraged them to continue their love of music. The blankets where a huge hit and I received so many requests for more instruments that…

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Grandioso Guitar Crochet Blanket Pattern

I have always felt that music is an important part of life. The best way to appreciate music is to play an instrument. Growing up I took piano lessons for 5 years. Now as a Mom, all 3 of my children play an instrument. When a musician learns to read,…

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Vibrato Violin Crochet Blanket Pattern

I have always felt that music is an important part of life. The best way to appreciate music is to play an instrument. Growing up I took piano lessons for 5 years. Now as a Mom, all 3 of my children play an instrument. When a musician learns to read,…

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Howling Wolf Blanket – Crochet Pattern

The Howling Wolf Blanket is a new individual pattern that coordinates with the rest of the blanket designs in the Interchangeable Wildlife Blanket ebook. All the blanket patterns feature a striking animal silhouette that is framed with a beautiful crochet texture in a frame (border) of the blanket.  The Howling…


Wandering Moose Blanket – Crochet Pattern

The Wandering Moose Blanket is a new individual pattern that coordinates with the rest of the blanket designs in the Interchangeable Wildlife Blanket ebook. These blanket patterns all feature a striking animal silhouette that is framed with a beautiful crochet cable texture in a frame (border) of the blanket.  The…

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Bear Hug Blanket – Crochet Pattern

The Bear Hug Blanket is a new individual pattern that coordinates with the Interchangeable Wildlife Blanket ebook. These blanket patterns all feature a striking animal silhouette and is framed with a beautiful crochet cable textures in a frame (border) of the blanket.  The Bear Hug blanket was inspired by the…

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Don’t Moose With Me Crochet Blanket Pattern

The Don't Moose with Me Crochet Blanket Pattern is a fun oversized throw blanket. The silhouette of the moose is defined with an outline that makes it pop, while the silhouette is emphasized with the striped background. The blanket is made using a simple stitch repeat. The pattern is not…